Title: |
Dimke PentaWin |
Picture: |
Explanation: |
This application originally was a project I had to develop during my studies at the technical university
and thus the first version was written on a UNIX machine and the output was lead to a very
expensive colour plotter.
My professor was very satisfied with this work and on both two days of examination he gave me
the maximum score for it!
Some months later I started with my diploma and therefore I had to purchase a "personal computer",
which was a 80286 with 16MHz and 1 (in words: one) MB of ram. So the next step was adapting
pentacol.c to the DOS version of Borland C version 1.01. So I was quite happy when it worked.
Now, since I started with windows programming in the late 90's it was a challenge to make a true
windows version out of it.
In this example you see how to include an icon in the resources which show up during running, and,
this is new, you see how to create and load a customized mouse cursor which replaces the normal
windows mouse cursor as long as the mouse is over the application's window.
Here it is!
How it works: |
Just look into the c++ source code and into the resource file to
understand what's going on.
How to use: |
Just unpack the zip file and run the executable file.
If you want to compile it on your own, you'll have to create an "IDE" file.
It is not included because it depends on the system, and your installation most likely
differs from mine.
Download Exe: |
exe_w16.zip |
Download Src: |
src.zip |